Please note that the links provided here are selected on an arbitrary basis and do not necessarily cover all arenas related to the globalization of innovation, nor can we guarantee the quality of material provided on the linked sites. We explicitly disown any responsibility for the content provided on external sites linked here.
- CORDIS: "Community Research & Development Information Service" of the European Union.
- Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India: DST "was established in May 1971, with the objective of promoting new areas of Science & Technology and to play the role of a nodal department for organising, coordinating and promoting S&T activities in the country".
- Dept. of Trade and Industry, Govt. of the UK: "The DTI is working to stimulate a significant increase in innovation throughout the economy." The section on Innovation on the DTI website, "charts our progress, summarises legislation, and gives practical information for companies".
- Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation: "The Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation – EFI) provides scientific advice to the German Federal Government and periodically delivers reports on research, innovation and technological productivity in Germany."
- Innovation Indicator for Germany: Deutsche Telekom Stiftung, Bundesverband der deutschen Industrie (BDI: the Federation of German Industries) and the Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) publish every year an "Innovationsindikator Deutschland" with some international rankings. Usually a summary in English is also provided.
- East West Center, Hawaii: Gobalization of Knowledge Work--Why is Chip Design Moving to Asia?
- German-Indian Round Table (GIRT) Hamburg : "Der German-Indian Round Table hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Indien zu fördern."

- Hamburg Ministry of Economic and Labour Affairs: Die Hamburger Behörde für Wirtschaft und Arbeit.
- Hamburg Ministry of Science and Research: Die Hamburger Behörde für Wissenschaft und Forschung.
- Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Germany: The technology policy of the "Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technology" (BMWi) is aimed at bringing about "sustainable improvement in the conditions for innovation and technological progress, and in this way to promote the innovative capabilities of the small and medium-sized sector in particular".
- Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany: "The Federal Government is investing more money in research and development than ever before. An additional six billion Euro have been earmarked for R&D until 2009. The BMBF is coordinating this initiative and will invest its share of 4 billion Euro in excellent research and emerging cutting-edge technologies."
[See position paper Bildung und Forschungs weltoffen: Innovation durch Internationalität, July 2002, PDF document in German, 175 KB] 
[See German government's research cooperation with India]
- India Brand Equity Foundation: "India Resource Centre" - a public-private initiative providing useful resources on India and Indian economy.
- India World on the Net: Providing resources on India.
- Innovationsstiftung, Hamburg: "Zweck der Innovationsstiftung ist es, den Wirtschaftsstandort Hamburg zu stärken und neue Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen."

- Mobile Prospects: "The Mobile Prospects" is another research project of TIM/TUHH dealing with issues of Mobile Financial Services (MFS) also known as Mobile Banking.
- National Innovation Foundation, India: "To help India become an inventive and creative society and a global leader in sustainable technologies without social and economic handicaps affecting evolution and diffusion of green grassroots innovations."
- National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies, New Delhi, India: NISTADS "is devoted to a study of various aspects of interaction among science, society and state. Nistads is one of the 38 institutes/laboratories of the Government of India’s Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi."
- National Knowledge Commission, Govt. of India: "The overarching aim of the National Knowledge Commission is to enable the development of a vibrant knowledge based society. This entails both a radical improvement in existing systems of knowledge, and creating avenues for generating new forms of knowledge."
- National Science Foundation, USA: "The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 'to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense…'."
- Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor to the Govt. of India: "The Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India (PSA to GOI) is primarily responsible for: (i) Evolving policies, strategies and missions for generation of innovations and support systems for multiple applications, and (ii) Generating science and technology tasks in strategic, economic and social sectors in partnership with Government departments, institutions and industry."
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: The OECD's Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry helps "OECD members and other
countries translate knowledge and technology into economic value
for society and maintain scientific progress". It aims to help "economies achieve their highest innovation potential and adapt
national policies to global opportunities".
- Regional Research Laboratory, Thiruvananthapuram (India): "RRLT is [...] engaged in R&D Programs in the area of Agroprocessing, Chemical Sciences, Materials & Minerals, Biotechnology and Process Engineering and Environmental Science & Technology."
- Research and Development Society, UK: "The Research and Development Society is the leading organisation for the discussion, development and promotion of the management of excellent research and development in all UK-based companies and organisations."
- Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council, India : TIFAC pursues the objectives of undertaking "technology assessment and forecasting studies in selected areas of national economy" and "watch global trends and formulation of preferred options for India", amongst others.