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Institute for Technology & Innovation Management
Hamburg University of Technology
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4, D-21073 Hamburg

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  + Dr. Rajnish Tiwari
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Dr. Rajnish Tiwari

Rajnish Tiwari

Project Leader, Chances and Challenges of Offshoring R&D to India

[Profile] [Publications] [Speeches & Interviews] [Research in Media] [Research in Practice] [Awards]

Awards & Scholarships

  • Emerald Literati Network 2013 Awards for Excellence: "Highly Commended Paper" award for "Assessing India's lead market potential for cost-effective innovations", a paper authored by Rajnish Tiwari and Cornelius Herstatt in the Journal of Indian Business Research.

  • "Champion of Indo-German partnership" award 2013 by Indian Academic Society Hannover, presented by Dr. Birgit Barden, Director, International Office, Leibniz University of Hanover (Download Programm Agenda) (see IASH announcement).

  • "Distinction" (summa cum laude) for the doctoral thesis awarded by Hamburg University of Technology (Technische Universitaet Hamburg ), Feb. 2013. Degree: Doktor der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften (Dr. rer. pol., i.e. Doctorate in Economics and Social Sciences).

  • Best Research Proposal Award 2009 by EITIM Doc for the proposal "Global Innovation from the Bottom of the Pyramid: Learning from a New Type of Lead User", (jointly proposed with Markus Linder and Okan Pala) awarded during the 2nd EITIM Doc Conference 2009 at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.

  • Market and Customer Orientation Award 2006 by Vodafone Foundation for Research for the study "The Mobile Commerce Prospects: A Strategic Prospects of Opportunities in the German Banking Sector", Jun. 2006.
    (Auszeichnung mit dem Förderpreis 2006 im Bereich Markt-/Kundenorientierung der Vodafone-Stiftung für Forschung) (Pressemitteilung der Vodafone-Stiftung) (PDF, 52 KB)

    Markt- und Kundenorientierung 2006 Award for Rajnish Tiwari by Vodafone Stiftung für Forschung

    Award ceremony by Vodafone Stiftung für Forschung in Schloss Albrechtsberg, Dresden, Germany on 23rd June 2006. From left to right: Mr. Hartmut Kremling, Geschäftsführer Technik Vodafone D2 GmbH, Dipl.-Kfm. Rajnish Tiwari and Dr.-Ing. Jörg Habetha, Philips Research Laboratories. (Photo courtsey: Vodafone Stiftung für Forschung)

  • Excellence Award by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for "excellent academic performances & remarkable social engagement", Oct. 2005
    (Preis des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes für "besondere akademische Leistungen und bemerkenswertes soziales & interkulturelles Engagement") (Pressemiitelung der Uni Hamburg) (PDF, 30 KB)

  • Merit Scholarship ("Leistungsstipendium") by Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and University of Hamburg, (Oct. 2003 - Sep. 2004 and Oct. 2005 - Mar. 2006)

  • Merit Scholarship ("Leistungsstipendium") by Goethe Institute (Max Mueller Bhavan), Pune, India (Nov. 1997 - Dec. 1997 for studying German language in "Mittelstufe-II", Intermediate Level-2 course)

  • "Ekikrit" Scholarship, merit scholarship by Government of Uttar Pradesh, India (Jul. 1986 - Jun. 1990)

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