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Press Release

TU Hamburg launches research project 'Global Innovation' to investigate internationalization of R&D

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Hamburg (11.01.2007): Innovations are increasingly seen as a source of economic growth and as a useful instrument to face the competition brought about by the globalization. Not surprisingly, innovations have acquired a key-role in the growth and competition strategies of many firms, countries and economic regions. At the same time, a strong trend of internationalization of innovations may be observed across all countries actively participating in the global economy. This trend is reflected in the increasing number of offshore research and development (R&D) centers located basically in emerging economies such as China and India.

The Institute for Technology & Innovation Management (TIM) at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) has launched a research project named 'Global Innovation' to investigate issues related to internationalization of innovation, particularly R&D. A primary aim of the project is to observe, analyze and forecast developments in the field of globalization of innovations. It also aims to provide decision-makers from selected industry sectors with useful instruments while deciding on whether or not to internationalize their innovation / R&D activities and to which locations. The research is focused on finding answers to following issues:

  1. What is the role of 'outsourcing' and/or 'offshoring' in the R&D strategy of firms today. Special attention is hereby paid to the needs of two groups of firms: a) German firms, and b) Small- and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
  2. What are the advantages and possible risks of internationalization of innovation activities, particularly of R&D? Which are the factors that are critical to success?
  3. Which are the most attractive R&D locations for particular branches? What are the reasons for their attractiveness?
  4. Could firms be at a disadvantage if they choose not to internationalize their innovation activities, especially R&D?
  5. What are the lessons that SMEs can learn from the success/failure of international innovation / R&D activities of multinational firms?

The research work is focused on firms from various key-industry sectors, such as Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Pharmaceutics and Life Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive and Automotive Components, and Logistics. Even though not exclusively focused on a single region, the research project pays special attention to emerging R&D locations such as China and India.

The overall research project is chaired by Prof. Cornelius Herstatt, the director of TIM at TUHH. Individual studies are led by Dr. Stephan Buse and Mr. Rajnish Tiwari.

Project website: http://www.global-innovation.net

For further enquiries about the studies, contact:
Prof. Cornelius Herstatt
, Dr. Stephan Buse or Mr. Rajnish Tiwari.

For press-related enquiries:

Rajnish Tiwari
Research Project Global Innovation
Institute for Technology & Innovation Management
Hamburg University of Technology (TU Hamburg )
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4
D-21073 Hamburg (Germany),

Tel.: +49 - (0)40 - 428 78 - 37 76 / 37 77 (Secretariat)
Fax: +49 - (0)40 - 428 78 - 28 67
E-Mail: rajnish.tiwari@web.de
Institute's website: http://www.tuhh.de/tim

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