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26.08.2011: Hamburg celebrates an "India Week" from 16th to 23rd October 2011

"Indien entdecken!" or "Discover India!" that is the motto of the India Week Hamburg 2011, which has a significant contribution from TIM/TUHH Research Project Global Innovation. A direct link to the English version of the India Week website is here: www.indiaweek-english.hamburg.de.
- 09.08.2011: Next meeting of GIRT Hamburg on 5th Sept. 2011
The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg is celebrating an "India Week Hamburg", which is being co-organized by the German-Indian Round Table (GIRT) Hamburg along with its partners that include the Senate Chancellery, The Ministry of Culture, The Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and the Hamburg Business Development Corporation (HWF) and several other institutions and organizations. During this event the GIRT participants will be introduced to a fascinating and multi-facetted programme of a festival of India and Indo-Hamburg relations spanning over a week from 16th to 23rd October 2011.
Guest speaker: Ms. Henriette Hintelmann (Senate Chancellery of Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg), and Mr. Johannes Freudewald (Spokesman of the India Week Hamburg 2011)
Further Information
Date of the GIRT: Sept. 5, 2011, 18:30h
Venue: Hotel Baseler Hof, Esplanade 11, 20354 Hamburg
Participation after prior registration.
Note: As of 26th August 2011, the event has been booked to full capacity. No further registration possible.
New web presence of GIRT Hamburg: www.girt-hamburg.de
- 14.03.2011: "Indo-Hamburg Relations: On A Promising Path?"
German-Indian Round Table (GIRT) in Hamburg to discuss prospects and future course of relations between India and Hamburg
Guest speaker: Mrs. M. Subashini (Hon'ble Consul General of India in Hamburg)
Press release
Date of the GIRT: May 2, 2011, 18:30h
Venue: Details will be e-mailed to confirmed participants
Those interested in participating in this event may write a mail to tiwari@tuhh.de by 27th of April and seek an invitation.
- 05.04.2011: "Hamburgs Business mit Indien"
Körber Forum in Hamburg to discuss Hamburg's business relations with India, on April 11, 2011
Speaker: Rajnish Tiwari
Venue: Kehrwieder 12, 20457 Hamburg
For further details and registration: Körber Stiftungs webpage
- 14.03.2011: "Civil Aviation in India: A Growing Story of Business Opportunities"
German-Indian Round Table (GIRT) in Hamburg to discuss the opportunities in India’s civil aviation, on March 21, 2011
Title of the talk: Development of Indian Air Transportation
Guest speaker: Ms. Carola Flegler (Jet Airways, Germany)
Press release
Date of the GIRT: March 21st, 2011, 18:30h
Venue: Hotel Baseler Hof, Esplanade 11, 20354 Hamburg
Those interested in participating in this event may write a mail to tiwari@tuhh.de and seek further details.
- 24.01.2011: "Why and how to establish an Engineering & Design Business in India? A German Perspective"
German-Indian Round Table (GIRT) in Hamburg to discuss Chances, Challenges & Success Factors for R&D in India, on Jan. 24, 2011
Title of the talk: Running an Engineering and Design Business in India: 3 years of experience from a German company's perspective
Guest speaker: Mr. Karsten Papmeyer (Managing Director, GENSULT GmbH, Bremen)
Press release
Date of the GIRT: Jan. 24th, 2011, 18:30h
Venue: Hotel Baseler Hof, Esplanade 11, 20354 Hamburg
Those interested in participating in this event may write a mail to tiwari@tuhh.de and seek further details.
- Indische Investitionen in Deutschland
Aktuelle Trends und kritische Erfolgsfaktoren
(English title: Indian Investments in Germany: Recent Trends and Critical Success Factors)
Meeting of German-Indian Round Table in Munich
Venue: BayernLB Headquarters
Organizer: GIRT-München
Date: 19th Jan 2011
[Download presentation as PDF, 736 KB]
- 01.12.2010: "India: Future of Change"
Podiumsdiskussion: Wie wird Indien gemeinsam mit seinen Partnern auf der Welt den zukünftigen Wandel gestalten?
(English title of podium discussion: How will India together with its partners shape the "future change" worldwide)
Organisatorische Details: 01.12.2010, 19:00 Uhr (Im Anschluss Snacks & Drinks)
Auditorium, Universität Hamburg, Hauptgebäude – Hörsaal B, Edmund Siemers-Allee 1, 20146 Hamburg
Keynote Speaker: Vize-Konsul S.R. Patnaik, Indisches Generalkonsulat Hamburg
Discussant: Dipl.-Kfm. Rajnish Tiwari, TUHH, Leiter des German-Indian Round Table in Hamburg
Bei Rückfragen dz@lingo.bz | +49 40 2800 6332 | www.lingoconsultants.com | http://www.indiafutureofchange.com
[Infos as PDF, 314 KB] [Event poster, 138 KB]
- 01.12.2010: "Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Hamburg und Indien - Möglichkeiten der Intensivierung"
(English title: Economic relations between Hamburg and India - Chances for intensification)
Organisatorische Details:
01.12.2010, 16:15 - 17:45, Universität Hamburg, Hauptgebäude, Hörsaal K (Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1)
Vortrag von Corinna Nienstedt, Bereichsleiterin International, Handelskammer Hamburg, und Dipl.-Kfm. Rajnish Tiwari, TUHH, Leiter des German-Indian Round Table in Hamburg
Zusammenfassung: Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Indien entwickeln sich in einem nahezu atemberaubenden Tempo. Ungeachtet der Weltwirtschaftskrise und der Stabilitätskrise im Euro-Raum haben sich die positiven Trends im deutsch-indischen Außenhandel sowie bei den Auslandsdirektinvestitionen nahezu ungebremst fortgesetzt. Die positiven Effekte lassen sich auch in Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Hamburg und Indien feststellen. Die Referenten berichten über die aktuellen Entwicklungen in bilateralen Beziehungen zwischen Indien und Hamburg.
Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Tatiana Oranskaia, Tel.: (040) 42838-3387
Organisator: Universität Hamburg, Asien-Afrika-Institut, Abteilung für Kultur und Geschichte Indiens und Tibets
- 01.11.2010: "Mastering the India Challenge"
German-Indian Round Table (GIRT-Hamburg) and Bremen Chamber of Commerce
(Ländernetzwerk Indien) invite to the annual joint meeting on 1.11.2010 in Bremen
Press release (English; PDF approx. 176 KB) / Pressemitteilung (Deutsch; ca. 178 KB)
Date of the GIRT: Nov. 1st, 2010, 18:00h
Venue: Club zu Bremen (Haus Schütting, Am Markt 13, 28195 Bremen)
- 20.09.2010: "Global Player Indien: Perspektiven für die deutsch-indische Zusammenarbeit"
(English title: Global Player India: Prospects for Indo-German Cooperation)
Event: Buchvorstellung "Indiens Weg in die Verantwortung" (Hrsg. Erich G. Fritz, MdB)

Photo (from left to right): Rudolf Weiler, Erich G. Fritz (MdB), Rajnish Tiwari at
Dortmund (20.09.2010). Photo source: bwa-deutschland.com
Auslandsgesellschaft NRW
Bundesverband für Wirtschaftsförderung und Außenwirtschaft (BWA)
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
Further information
Programm-Invitation (PDF, 103 KB), Programm-Info des BWA (PDF, 47 KB) / Programmbericht des BWA (PDF, 59 KB)
- 06.09.2010: "Chances and Challenges for Indo-German Business in a Rebound Indian Economy"
German-Indian Round Table (GIRT) in Hamburg to discuss implications of recent
economic and policy developments in India, on Sept. 6, 2010
Press release
Date of the GIRT: Sept. 6th, 2010, 18:30h
Venue: Hotel Baseler Hof, Esplanade 11, 20354 Hamburg
- 01.06.2010 - Call for Papers: International Journal of Technology Management (IJTM)
Special Issue on: "Global Products from Innovation Labs in Developing Countries"
Details (Download CfP, PDF, ca. 60 KB)
Guest editors:
Prof. Dr. Cornelius Herstatt
Prof. Dr. Max von Zedtwitz
- Innovationstag 2010: "Open Innovation – neue Wege zu erfolgreichen Produkten"
Am: 10. Mai 2010, 15:00 - 19:00h
Veranstaltungsort: Handelskammer, Hamburg
- Logistik im Indien-Geschäft
Am: 4. Mai 2010, 12:30 - 17:00h
Veranstaltungsort: IHK Rhein-Neckar, Heidelberg
- German-Indian Round Table (GIRT) in Hamburg to discuss trends and success factors
for Indian firms in Germany
Press release
Date of the GIRT: May 3rd, 2010, 18:30h
Venue: Hotel Baseler Hof, Esplanade 11, 20354 Hamburg
- Chancen der Beziehung: Hamburg-Indien
Organisator: CDU Bürgerschaftsfraktion, Hamburg
Am: 23. April 2010, ab 14:00h
Veranstaltungsort: Bürgersaal des Hamburger Rathauses
- Rajnish Tiwari to coordinate Hamburg section of the German-Indian Round Table
Press release
Date: 26th Feb. 2010
- Innovative Business Opportunities in India's Volume-Driven Markets:
Chances for (Medium-sized) German Enterprises in India - Concepts and Examples
Venue: Handelskammer Hamburg (Hamburg Chamber of Commerce)
Date: 27th October 2009
Event: Talk at the India Week event "New Chances for the Indian-German Economic Relations after the Elections?"
(Presentation slides as PDF, 437 KB) (India Week Hamburg 2009) (Event agenda as PDF, 103 KB)
- 20.10.2009: The 3rd India Week in Hamburg
Ten days to explore India in Hamburg - the third India Week Hamburg is coming up, with a wide ranging programme on current developments in Indian business, politics and culture. It is run by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg in cooperation with organisers from Schleswig-Holstein, and will also include events aimed at building relations with India and providing insights into contemporary Indian culture. Our institute is again involvled as a co-organizer of the event.
[Press release, PDF, 103 KB] [Pressemitteilung, PDF, 160 KB] [Indien Aktuell Sonderheft, PDF, ca. 7 MB].
- 28.01.2009: Indian Multinationals Buoyant on Germany
Market Size and Technological Prowess Boost Germany’s Attractiveness for FDI from India
[Press release, PDF, 86 KB] [Key Results, PDF, 650 KB] [Report, PDF, 350 KB].
- 17.09.2008: Joint working paper with East-West Center: Honolulu-based East-West Center has published a Working Paper on India's National Innovation System. The Working Paper "India'’s National Innovation System: Key Elements and Corporate Perspectives" (No. 96, August 2008) has been published in the Economic Series and authored by Cornelius Herstatt, Rajnish Tiwari, Dieter Ernst, and Stephan Buse. The paper summarizes the findings of the project "India's Innovation System: Exploring the Strengths", which was carried out by RPGI in cooperation with the East-West Center. [Download PDF]
- 12.12.2007: RPGI launches blog site: The blog site Global Innovation - Trends in Offshore R&D shall contain news about activities related to our research project and (upcoming) publications. It will make it easier for those interested to receive direct RSS feeds.
- 06.12.2007: Call for Papers: IJTPM special issue: Scientific papers from academia, industry and governmental institutions are invited for a special issue of International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management (IJTPM) on "Barriers to Innovation in Home Country: Can Internationalisation of R&D Mitigate their Effects?". The issue is guest edited by Prof. Cornelius Herstatt, Rajnish Tiwari and Dr. Stephan Buse. [Call for Papers as PDF, 407 KB]
- 30.10.2007: Outsourcing/Offshoring in an Integrated Approach to Global Innovation: The Institue of Technology and Innovation Management (TIM/TUHH) is organizing a discussion forum on 7.11.2007 in Hamburg to discuss the role of outsourcing/offshoring in the global innovation strategy. There will be talks by Mr. Hans-Georg Frey (CEO of Jungheinrich AG), Dr. W. Schreiner (Vice President, Research & Breakthrough Innovation, SAP AG) Mr. J. Böhmer and Mr. M. Hilsheimer (both KPMG) and Dr. Stephan Buse and Rajnish Tiwari (both TIM/TUHH). The event shall take place on 7.11.2007 between 14:30 and 19:00 in Plenarsaal of the Handelskammer (Chamber of Commerce). Interested persons can register themselves by e-mail to foreigntrade@bwa.hamburg.de. The event is free of charge.
[Details as PDF, 128 KB, in German] [Invitation to the event, PDF, 26 KB, in German] [Download slides as PDF, 407 KB, in German]
- 01.10.2007: The First European Conference on Knowledge for Growth: Role and Dynamics of Corporate R&D (CONCORD 2007): The Conference is being organised on October 8th and 9th in Seville (Spain); jointly by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, and Directorate-General for Research. Dr. Stephan Buse and Rajnish Tiwari of the RPGI are also participating in the event and shall present their paper "Barriers to Innovation in SMEs: Can the Internationalization of R&D Mitigate their Effects?" at the conference. [Conference Programme].
- 25.09.2007: Innovation Via Global Route: Chances and Challenges of Innovation Offshoring to India from the Perspective of SMEs in Germany: Prof. Herstatt leads a seminar at the East-West Center in Honolulu. [Announcement]
- 20.09.2007: "India Hamburg Week" to be organized in November 2007: Various institutions and individuals in Hamburg actively engaged with India are organizing an "India Hamburg Week" between November 5-8, 2007 (Monday - Friday). Several, mainly business-related programmes will be held in this period. Related information are available on a new website (www.india-week-hamburg.org) managed by the Research Project Global Innovation (RPGI) team. [See Broschure]
Some of the institutions involved are:
1) Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Ministry of Economic and Labour Affairs (BWA)
2) Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Hamburg Development Corporation (HWF)
3) Hamburg University of Technology, Institute of Technology and Innovation Management
4) Handelskammer Hamburg
6) German Institute of Global and Area Studies (see programme)
7) German Asia-Pacific Business Association (OAV e.V.)
8) German Indian Round Table (GIRT)
9) ELGA Biotech [see programme] [local copy]
Download Brochure (17.10.2007, PDF, approx. 1.8 MB) with detailed programme information
- 04.09.2007: "India Day" at WTSH in Kiel: WTSH (Business Development and Technology Transfer Corporation of Schleswig-Holstein) holds the second "India Day" in Kiel. In various talks business opportunities in India are brought to fore. The first "India Day" by WTSH was held last year in March in Norderstedt near Hamburg. (Programme in German language). [Infos in German].
- 01.09.2007: Prof. Herstatt on a Visiting Fellowship at East West Center in Honolulu (Hawaii): Together with Dr. Dieter Ernst of the East West Center (EWC) in Hawaii, Prof. Herstatt will work on a project that seeks to study India's innovation system. The stay at EWC is meant to design and fine-tune the study before a larger scale project is launched.
- 27.07.2007: Rajnish Tiwari talks on "Global Innovation" at GDW-Conference in Bangalore: "Innovation via Global Route: Proposing a Reference Model for Chances and Challenges of Global Innovation Processes", Talk at the Second International Conference on Management of Globally Distributed Work, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIM-B), July 27, 2007, India.
- 15.07.2007: Rajnish Tiwari talks to school children in Ahmedabad: "The Increasing Importance of Offshore R&D: Chances and Challenges for India in Global Innovation Processes", Workshop "Popular Science Writing & Illustration for School Children" held by Gujarat Council of Science City in collaboration with National Council for Science & Technology Communication, Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, Ahmedabad, Indien.
- 13.07.2007: Prof. Herstatt talks to school children in Ahmedabad: Workshop "Popular Science Writing & Illustration for School Children" held by Gujarat Council of Science City in collaboration with National Council for Science & Technology Communication, Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, Ahmedabad, India.
- 11.07.2007: Prof. Herstatt holds a talk at CSIR, in New Delhi: "User-oriented Innovation: How to benefit from open innovation and lead users in analogous markets?".
- 10.07.2007: Cooperation agreement with CSIR in India: The TUHH today signed a cooperation agreement with the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research in India. The agreement however awaits a formal approval from India's Ministry of External Affairs. The Institute of Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) at TUHH und the Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) at CSIR are the repective "nodal agencies" and shall form a 4-members steering committe to actively seek cooperation opportunities and encourage scientific exchange. For more information contact Rajnish Tiwari.

Prof. Herstatt (Director, TIM/TUHH) with Dr. Naresh Kumar (Head, HRDC/CSIR) during the signing ceremony at CSIR Headquarters in New Delhi, while Dr. Stephan Buse (TIM/TUHH) and Dr. Rajendra Prasad (CSIR) applaud. (Photo: RT)
- 19.06.2007: Research trip to India : RPGI team-members undertake a research trip to India: June 26 - July 11 in New Delhi, July 12 - 15 in Ahmedabad, July 15 - 24 in Mumbai / Pune, July 24 - July 31 in Bangalore. Firms, academia, industry associations and other interested parties are kindly invited to join the study. [Invitation] [Press release].
- 05.06.2007: LocoMotive Final Conference in Hamburg: The LocoMotive (Localisation Motives for R&D in Large Companies) final conference takes place in Hamburg on June 5-6, 2007, organized by TuTech Innovation GmbH. General theme: "Managing the Links - Global trends and regional policies in R&D location". [Download Conference Programme].
- 11.05.2007: Internationalization of Innovation Processes: Rajnish Tiwari discusses at 3rd Rexroth Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates (information in German) issues related to Knowledge Process Outsourcing, (Original title: Internationalisierung der Innovationsprozesse: Knowledge Process Outsourcing), Bosch Rexroth AG, Lohr am Main, 11. Mai 2007.
- 08.02.2007: Chances and Challenges of Global Innovation: Rajnish Tiwari deliberates on the avenues of Indo-German cooperation in the field of innovation and research and development, at National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies, New Delhi, 8. Feb. 2007.
- 24.01.2007: India Day on 26. Feb. at "Behörde für Wirtschaft und Arbeit": The State Ministry of Economics and Labour Affairs, Dept. of Foreign Trade ("Referat Außenwirtschaft") in Hamburg invites firms to participate in an India Day ("Unternehmersprechtag Indien"). Dr. Kebschull, Representative of the State Hamburg in New Delhi, will dwell on business opportunities for Hamburg firms in India. Date: Mo. 26. Feb. 2007, 9 - 11h. Individual, firm-situation specific discussions with Dr. Kebschull are possible with appointment. Location: BWA, Room 826, Alter Steinweg 4. Participation is free-of-charge. [Detailed information and registration form as PDF, 50 KB, in German only ]
- 08.01.2007: German India Round Table: The next meeting of German India Round Table (GIRT) in Hamburg on Mo. 8th Jan, at 18:30h in Hotel Baseler Hof, Esplanade 11.
- 23.11.2006: Hanseatic India Colloquium : The Hanseatic India Colloquium at the TUHH campus in Hamburg discusses chances of Indian market for German SMEs from the Healthcare sector (Pharmaceutics / Biotechnologie and Life Sciences in general). [Image Gallery] [Programme & Speeches].

Dr. Amal Mukhopadhyay of ElGa-Biotech at Hanseatic India Colloquium, 23rd Nov. 2006 at TU Hamburg
- 10.11.2006: Indo-German Business Form: In Düsseldorf [Programm as PDF].
- 03.10.2006: India on the Rise: One day conference towards the inauguration of the Frankfurt Book Fair 2006, in which India was the 'Guest Country' [Report of the Deutsche Welle ].
- 23.09.2006: Paradoxes of the Indian Economy: Rajnish Tiwari talks at "Europäische Akademie Schleswig-Holstein" in Sankelmark near Flensburg on India's booming high-tech sector and the problems plaguing the poor in many rural areas. Title: "Indiens Wirtschaft zwischen Softwareboom und Reisanbau". [Programm as PDF (in German)]